Thomas & Christine Schrader
Seminar Speakers
AffordableCall for financial arrangements.BiblicalAll teaching is based upon the infallible Word of GodChallengingTopics that challenge people to build Christian homes and families |
90% of all illness is caused by stress.
1 out of 8 persons will be treated for depression 50% of marriages end in divorce. There are two cultures living in every home with children. 75% of families will seek counseling at some time Help should come through the church. Without church involvement, many families are forced to turn to secular organizations. "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly" (Psalm 1:1 |
CommunicationThree essentials of communicationFiltering Five levels of communication Six message mix-up Self-talk |
StressCauses 90% of all illnessSymptoms Stress test How much is too much? How to reduce stress |
Understanding Your MateDifference between sexual and sensualCauses of sexual problems Five aspects of true love The healthy triangle Growing together Divided Session |
Marriage ProblemsHow to control angerIn-laws Selfish individuality Forgiveness is essential The stages of life |
PurposeTo train members of the congregation so that they can effectively minister to families in their area as well as enhance their own family relationships. |
Target Group IncludesCouplesSingles Those contemplating marriage Single Parents The Elderly (The Seminar topics are designed to train all adult menbers of the congregation) |
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FormatFour one-hour sessionsTen minutes at the end of each session for questions and answers. We provide a Master Syllabus which is easily copied for each person attending the seminar. There is also a Power Point Presentation for each session. |