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Audio CDs

By Thomas Schrader Ministries

75% of families will seek counseling at some time.    Help should come through the Word of God.    "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly" (Psalm 1:1).

List Of Audio CDs

1. How To Deal With Stress (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

2. Midlife Transition (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

3. Ministering To The Dying (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

4. Ministering To The Grieving (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

5. Keeping Children Safe From Abduction (by Christine Schrader)

 Price $6.00

6. Child Molestation/Incest (by Christine Schrader)

 Price $6.00

7. Setting Healthy Boundaries (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

8. The Search for Significance (by Thomas Schrader)

 Price $6.00

9. Perfect Woman Of Proverbs (by Christine Schrader)

 Price $6.00


